Thursday 28 October 2010

Lake Tekapo

Thursday 28th October 2010

MP3 track of the day: Riders of Rohan - Lord of the Rings

Weather: Very cloudy but dry

I had an extremely lazy morning where I just waited in my hostel to get the coach to Lake Tekapo, at 2:30pm. I could have gone out, however it was so cloudy that there wouldn't have been any point taking my camera and the only walks I could have done, within the time I had, I had already done. So I therefore decided to sit inside and eat what remained of my food supply. Whilst in the common room I met my Taiwanese friend called, and I'm not make this up, Eeyore. She was the first person I met here at Mount Cook and she's lovely, she helped me find the trails and we've chatted on and off through out my stay.

2:30pm came around, quite quickly if I'm honest, and I went out of the hostel to meet the coach. It was the same driver I had two days ago and he greeted me with a huge smile; he asked if I was going to the YHA in Lake Tekapo to which I replied yes. He said that he doesn't normally drop off there but, as he's not too busy today, he would make an exception.

The ride was good and only took an hour and a half to reach the lake. It was also cloudy in Lake Tekapo, but I could certainly see the potential. A big turquoise lake with snow-capped mountains as a back drop, I just hope the weather clears over the next two days. I arrived just in time to see a small group of travelers beat me to the reception desk; there I waited for ages whilst they checked in (haven't got a clue why it took so long). Once checked in I went into my dorm and, being the only one in here, I had the pick of the beds. One thing that startled me was the amount of electrical plugs within this room … twelve in all, that's more than one per person. I haven't mentioned this before but sockets at hostels has been an absolute nightmare here in New Zealand; whilst I have a look around the hostels I stay in I always look for electrical sockets in the common room and your luckily to find two … for the whole of the hostel (I checked in the common room here and I couldn't find any). It really is a complete pain and I haven't got a clue why they do this (If they want me to not use their power then I'll just keep the shower running for longer … got to get my monies worth somehow).

Anyway, I put my bags in my room, had a look around the hostel, and then headed out. Lake Tekapo is how I thought Mount Cook would be; there is a row of eight to ten shops including a supermarket, petrol station, information center, a fish and chip take away, a Thai restaurant, a Japanese restaurant and a Chinese restaurant. I went into the supermarket and bought quite a lot of food; whilst in Mount Cook I didn't eat particularly well so now I'm making up for it with bread rolls, cheese, crisps, shortbread, CAKE, a frozen meal for tonight, a bottle of water and a bottle of L&P which I'm getting quite addicted to (just like the 'Chunks A'Hoy' biscuits in Canada … I miss them). After shopping I noticed that most of the restaurants had lunch menu deals and so I think I'll have my bread and cheese for tea and have a take-away for lunch whilst I stay here.

Finally I asked at the information center for the latest weather report; the lady said that the next few days would be like today, cloudy, but with the potential of a few showers. With this information I went back to my hostel to drop off my food and pick up my camera. I was a little reluctant to do any photography today; with it being so cloudy the photos wouldn't come out that well, however this could be the best weather whilst I stay here and so a few snaps were needed. I headed straight for one of the most photographed churches in the world, 'The Church of the Good Shepard'.

Perched out on the lakes edge, this church is a stone building built in 1935 to commemorate the pioneers of the Mackenzie country. With a back drop of the lake, and then New Zealand's southern alps, it made the perfect postcard photo … if only the weather was better. I took a few photos and then left, promising that I the weather is better tomorrow then I shall return.

I came back to my hostel and messed around for a bit before cooking my frozen meal (lasagne … yum) with a slice of caramel cake for pudding … washed down with L&P, magic. There wasn't much happening tonight as so I decided to get a few internet errands done; firstly I booked my coach to Christchurch and accommodation there. Secondly I found out where my hostel in Sydney was and how to get there from the airport. Thirdly was the same as above but with my Tokyo hostel and finally I looked into my Singapore hostel. I will be arriving in Singapore at 2am, the hostel I'm booked into states that it will accept guests at all hours, but after 8pm I need to email to let them know my arrival time. I have done so, ages ago, but I haven't had a reply. I may cancel this hostel and spend a little more somewhere with a 24hr reception, need to have a look to see whats on offer.

Toodle Pip!

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