5th August 2012
MP3 track of the day: Universally Speaking - Red Hot Chilli
Weather: Cold and overcast in Towada-ko
(not a complaint; just an observation).
Perfect weather in Hirosaki.
out of my window, at around 7:30am, I noticed that the skies hadn't
cleared. This meant that photographing this beautiful lake, which was
only a five minute walk away, would have to wait for another day. I
therefore got ready to head towards Hirosaki. I was quite relieved to
wake up unharmed; all night my mind tossed over the thought of being
eaten alive by a hundred insects. As I checked myself I noticed that
I hadn't received any bites at all. I got up, passed Frankie – the
cocooned moth – and went for a quick shower. The group of Japanese
guests, who I'd met yesterday, seemed to be getting ready to leave
too. I gave them a friendly 'good morning' and continued towards the
shower room.
8:30am I was sat in my car ready for the off. I checked my map and
casually pulled out of the car park. As Towada-ko is surrounded by a
ring of mountains I had to go over them – which was a bit of a
shocker as normally the Japanese just tunnel through them – and
then down the other side. The road twisted forever upwards and, even
though it wasn't a problem, I was already not looking forward to my
return journey in the dark.
out of Towada-ko the clouds lessened and the road straightened. Just
like the rest of my trip I drove past some stunning scenery including
a gorge with a damn built at the end; at one point a huge bridge
crossed said gorge allowing for great views.
only took an hour to reach the outskirts of Hirosaki; I stopped for
breakfast (Mcdonald's pancake breakfast … yum) before
continuing into town. With breakfast sorted I had only two jobs left
to do; firstly I had to get some petrol and then I had to find a car
park. Both turned out to be pretty easy; I found a petrol station
with no problems and I dived into the first mult-storey car park I
could find. The price for parking was 200 Yen (£1.50) per hour; this
seemed a little steep and, after a small recce, I found another car
park for only 100 Yen per hour. I moved my car (not
without having to pay 200Yen for about fifteen minutes!!!)
and then got down to looking around Hirosaki. The time; 11am.
the festival wasn't due to begin until 7pm I had ample time to walk
around this small city. On my way to the cities park I past a few
floats – which would be used in the festival – on display in a
temporary tent. As I stood there I tried to take in their size; they
must have been as tall as a three-storey building. I finally made it
to the park and, as it was pretty hot, I grabbed a bottle of water
before entering. The park was massive and a leaflet, which I was
given, said that it would take around two hours to see it all. I
started to walk around the park in a clockwise fashion, skipping the
botanical gardens as you had to pay to enter. I did however pay to
enter the inner park, which housed Hirosaki's most famous landmark.
In 1611 Hirosaki-jo (Hirosaki
castle to you and me) was
built by the Tsugaru lords to protect their domain; sadly all of it
was destroyed (only
the foundations are evident) but,
in 1810, the Japanese rebuilt one of the towers. It is positioned on
the south-eastern corner of the complex, over-looking a small moat
with a Japanese wooden bridge crossing it. Perched high upon a rocky
base, with trees all around, this tower was very photogenic indeed. I
spent a while photographing it from many different angles, glad that
other Japanese tourists seemed to stay out of my shot. This view, of
the Japanese tower with the wooden bridge in front, is one of the
best locations within Japan to experience Hanami (the
Japanese cherry blossom season) and
I could only imagine how beautiful this area would look.
photographing the old castle area to death, I moved to the outskirts
of the park and walked around it in a clockwise direction. Each of
the three main entrances were guarded by a huge wooden Japanese gate,
which again made for some excellent photos.
time was now 1:30pm and I'd pretty much seen the whole of Hirosaki's
park (my favourite
park to date!).
It had taken two and a half hours to see all that there was to see
and now I was hungry. I headed out of the park, the way I had
entered, and walked into town to find something to eat. Yet again
this felt like a mission and it took me over a hour to settle for a
small Italian restaurant (located
within a shopping center close to the train
I order a pizza and a mango juice, sat down and rested my poor feet.
My feet groaned as, when I looked at my guidebook's map, I would have
to walk back up to the park to see the rest of Hirosaki's
attractions. I ate my pizza slowly, drank my ice-cold drink and
persuaded my feet to walk back to Hirosaki's park.
was around 3pm when I walked out of the north entrance of the park.
On the road in front of me was an old Japanese house, which was built
250 years ago. I took a few photos before moving into the small
residential area in front of me. My guidebook stated that there were
two more houses, both of which were at least 250 years old, and so I
walked down the narrow streets grateful of the shade in which they
provided. I found the other two houses and peeked in, not knowing if
I was supposed to or not. The houses reminded me of the ones I'd seen
in Kakunodate, and so I took a few photos before heading back into
the park.
and weary I pushed my feet forever onwards and south. The last two
attractions were south of the park and so, yet again, I had a long
walk ahead of me. The first attraction was a Japanese garden; due to
it closing soon I didn't pay to enter, though I did sneak a quick
peek over the hedge. I then continued my long walk south to an area
of the city filled with temples.
guidebook stated that this part of town was known as 'temple town'
where, within the seventeenth century, thirty of the cities temples
were relocated here. What my guidebook failed to mention was that the
grounds of these temples were cemeteries. Now I'm sure the Japanese
don't mind tourists looking around these 'temple cemeteries' however,
I felt a bit uneasy (I
mean; how would feel if a group of tourists visited your local
cemetery and started taking photos).
I put my camera away and did a quick walk up and down the street
peering over the walls looking at the temples. All the temples were
grand, well kept and made of wood; the gardens also looked immaculate
with pruned trees and ample shade. It all looked very peaceful.
time was now 5pm and I had finished seeing all Hirosaki had to offer
from the festival, which would start in two hours time).
My feet begged me to rest and so, with a can in hand, I went once
more back to Hirosaki's park and sat down for an hour or two. While
there I met a group of Japanese / Chinese students from Kyoto
University. We talked for a little while - I mainly talked to one of
the Chinese girls as, I think, her English was the best within the
group – and I found out that they were only here for one night;
afterwards they were heading to Hokkaido (lucky
gits!). I
mentioned that I lived in Japan and I was on holiday here. After this
brief exchange we wished each other well and off they went. I
pretended to read my guidebook as I watched a mum and dad play 'tag'
with there very young son.
watching was interrupted by the sound of a drum beating. I checked my
watch to find that the time was only 6:30pm; I decided to get up,
head out of the park, and check what all the fuss was about.
of the park floats lined the streets with their human engines sitting
down having a drink (people
pushed and pulled the floats).
I took a few photos before finding the source of the drumming. A huge
drum (about
the size of a two-storey building) was
being struck by three people sitting on top of the drum, and three
stood on the road hitting the drum from the bottom. I stood and
watched as they allowed members of the public to have a go; I looked
around and noticed that the 'parade street' was starting to fill. I
therefore headed away from the park to find myself a good viewing
position, as near to my car as possible.
did I want to be near my car? Well firstly I wasn't sure if the car
park was open twenty-four hours (though
I did check with an attendant and he said yes). I
also wasn't sure if my hostel had a twenty-four hour reception
therefore, once the parade was over, I wanted to make a quick exit.
heard the parade before I saw it; it was 7:15pm and the sun was
setting. Coming towards me, slightly hidden by a corner, I could see
bright lights getting ever closer. Finally the first float came into
view. Built on a square, a huge petal shaped structure moved forward
with two people on the top, and loads of people pushing and pulling
the float down the street. The float was so high that at points the
top had to be lowered so that it could get past the overhanging phone
cables. The sides of the float were decorated by a huge painting;
lights were put within the float making it a beacon for all
spectators. Hundreds of these floats poured down the road, all of
different shapes and sizes with a row of drums following each one.
Groups of dancers filled the gaps between the floats and, what
sounded like Japanese war cries, filled the evening sky. I loved just
standing there photographing each float as it passed me by; some
stopped close to where I was stood and were spun around by their
drivers. I watched them pass me and continue up the road shining out
into the nights sky. The drumming was deafening, the atmosphere was
electric and I was in my element.
ninety minutes the floats were still coming down the hill. I was
looking at my watch worrying that either the car park, or my hostel
would be closed. At 8:55pm I could take it no longer and I walked
towards the procession of floats trying to see where it ended. After
about six steps I saw the unmistakable sight of a police cars
flashing lights; I knew that this meant the end of the procession and
so, after a few last photos, I bolted towards where my car was
though the car park was only meters from the festival street, it
didn't take long to get out and onto the streets of Hirosaki. After
driving slowly through the crowds of people I found a main road,
which ran parallel to the parade street (coming
into Hirosaki I had driven down said parade street and so I had to go
back that way), and
I was able to increase my speed.
was actually all too easy; I followed this road until I hit the main
highway. I have to say that the Japanese road system does seem to
make exiting a big event very easy indeed.
from stopping at McDonald’s for an evening snack, my drive home was
uneventful. I made my way down the dark mountainous road – maybe a
little too quickly – and I soon found myself at my hostel, at
around 11pm. The owner was still up and so I took my key, said the
festival was brilliant, and bid him goodnight. Before I entered my
room I noticed that Frankie had checked-out (whether
by his own will or not, I cannot say).
I shall spend the day around Towada-ko; I shall be having a lie-in
before partaking in a little hiking and some photographing. So what a
great day; a great city, an excellent festival and back home safe and
sound. I hope the weather improves here in Towada-ko for tomorrow!
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