Sunday 12 December 2010

George Town

Sunday 12th December 2010

MP3 track of the day: LDN – Lilly Allen

Weather: Raining early afternoon but brightening up towards the evening

As you would expect, being up until 3am the previous night had taken its tole on the time I eventually got up today. An hour of lazing around, surfing the web, I was eventually ready to hit the streets around midday. Yesterday the others had decided to hire a scooter, however I wasn't that bothered and so I decided to do my own thing.

The skies were cloudy as I walked around the city looking at government buildings, colonial buildings, temples and mosques. As I approached the north harbor front the rain, yet again, came in. I had only been out for thirty minutes and there I was, sitting in a bus shelter, waiting for this monsoon to pass … hopefully the guys on the scooter weren't caught up in this weather. Once the worst of the rain had past I continued my walk around the city.

It was still drizzling around 1:30pm and so I decided to head back to my hostel, drop off my stuff, and head to a shopping center for lunch and to have a look around. Georgetown seems to have four big shopping centers in one complex, though only one is rammed full of shops with the others only having, I reckon, 20% of retail space in use. Once I had found the full shopping center I had lunch (which included a chocolate waffle … yum) and I then checked out the cinema, just encase this wet weather persevered throughout my stay here.

Once out of the shopping center the sun was out and the skies were blue. I hurried back to my hostel to pick up my camera, to re-trace my steps of earlier, and take photos of things that I didn't have the opportunity to take because of the rain. Once this was done it was around 5pm and so I headed back to hostel as I was a) pretty thirsty and 2) tired.

Around 7pm the others returned from their moped adventure; we went back to the same food court for tea as yesterday. This time I had the duck rice (which wasn't very nice … to many bones) and fried ice cream (which sounds bizarre, but good). There was a live band playing and the place was packed, a good atmosphere all round.

After this we yet again hit the town by starting at an Irish Pub (which, when I went through the door, I thought I had been transported back to the UK) where we played a little table football and pool. After this we headed to a club where we stayed or one drink as the prices were so high, the band onstage were pretty impressive though.

Around 2am we walked back to our hostel where we found the door locked; this in itself wasn't a major problem as the same scenario occurred yesterday, we just had to ring the bell. Unfortunately the bell wasn't working either and so we were effectively locked out … oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

The situation was resolved when a kiwi girl forcefully opened the door a little to find that it was only held by a weak yale lock and the door swung open … result. We didn't go to sleep straight away, we finished our drinks, chatted abit and went to sleep around 3am … another good night.

Tomorrow, lie-in again I think, Georgetown's ace!

Toodle Pip!

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